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Tawanna Marsh
What it's like to be 50
I turn 50 this week. In the coming years I want to look back and remember that at 50 I was living my best life and that I had a...

Tawanna Marsh
Love Agape
"My love covers you like rich smoke in a room You cannot escape the inhale It burns your eyes The first hit makes you cough It gets you...

Tawanna Marsh
Forgiveness - Its An Inside Job
Forgiveness is 100% an inside job. The sooner you take responsibility the sooner you heal. Since it is you who were hurt, and it is you...

Tawanna Marsh
Growing Pains
Just because things didn't turn out the way you expected doesn't mean they didn't turn out the way they were supposed to. Experiencing...

Tawanna Marsh
How is progress made? Progress is built by one choice-brick at a time. Each time you choose to move forward in discipline, in spite of...

Tawanna Marsh
I had a moment with the Most High yesterday. It is rare that I share these. Heartbroken from the loss of Chadwick Boseman and so many...

Tawanna Marsh
Rain Refresh
On rainy days I like to open my windows and let the fresh air flow freely inside my home, (shout-out to the women in my family who taught...
Tawanna Marsh
New blogs and other fun stuff coming soon. Stay tuned!
Check back for incites, and at times a splash of mayhem with just the tiniest bit of foolishness :-)
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